Frequently Asked Questions About Florida DUIs
When facing a first-time DUI offense or multiple charges of a DUI, Florida residents can have many questions about what will happen to them and what to do next. At Canan Law, we have experience defending DUI charges and helping clients have the best outlook for the future. These DUI FAQs may help guide you. Do not hesitate to reach out to one of our attorneys.
When Can I Call A Lawyer?
As soon as possible while still cooperating with any police commands. We advise clients to call us from your car and leave the discussion with police on a voicemail or to leave us a quick message with your information and the situation. If you are arrested, keep asking for your right to speak with your attorney until it is granted. It is smart to have the number of your attorney memorized, or call someone you know and ask them to contact your lawyer for you.
Am I Going To Jail?
If you take a field sobriety test and are over the limit, the officer will arrest you and take you to jail for processing. This is usually just an overnight or weekend jail time. However, if your DUI involved other crimes or serious criminal charges, you may be looking at serious jail time. Your DUI could be a more serious offense such as:
- DUI felony charges, which requires three DUIs in 10 years or a fourth DUI.
- DUI manslaughter charges or the accidental killing of another person while driving under the influence. This can include up to 15 years in prison.
- DUI serious bodily injury occurs when a driver under any influence causes serious harm to another person. This can include up to five years in prison and fines of up to $5,000.
How Much Will My DUI Cost?
A first-time DUI can cost around $500 to $1,000 in court costs and fees. If you had a passenger in the car or a high level of alcohol in your system the fine can jump to $1,000 or even $2,000. If there was property damage to another vehicle or building, you would be expected to cover the costs. This is all outside of the costs that may accrue from missing work if your license is suspended or you are put on probation or community service. There can also be additional costs for court-ordered ignition interlock devices or vehicle impoundment.
Many St. Augustine, Florida, residents worry that attorney’s fees on top of DUI costs will be an unaffordable amount. A skilled attorney can help lower the costs you owe and the penalties you are facing, which can end up saving you money in the long term while at the same time helping you navigate the uncertainty of the court system.