Government Tort Claims | Understanding Lawsuits Against The Government
If the government entity or employee’s actions or negligence causes a citizen’s death, injury or destruction of property, that citizen may have a right to file a tort claim against the government to recoup damages. Unfortunately, suing the federal government is much more complex than a traditional civil action, with many different exclusions and limitations. Only a qualified attorney with experience in this area should handle such a case.
Situations That May Lead To Governmental Liability
Some of the circumstances that often lead to governmental liability include:
- Property injuries on governmental property, such as slip and falls, injury from broken elevators or escalators, or fires, or wrongful eviction
- Civil rights violations, including false arrest, unlawful imprisonment or detention, or malicious prosecution
Strict Filing Deadlines
It is vital to contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you wish to file a lawsuit against a state or federal government entity. Injured parties have two years from the time the claim arises to file.
Find Out How Canan Law Can Help You
If you have been hurt by the actions, or lack thereof, of a government employee, we can help. We will discuss Florida law and all potential options available to you.
If you believe you have the right to file a claim against the state or federal government, call Canan Law today at (904) 849-2266, or contact us online.