Jacksonville DUI Lawyer Discusses Being Released From Jail


If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you should contact a Jacksonville DUI lawyer as soon as possible. You should also follow these steps to establish a case.

Document your Actions

First, write a detailed summary of the events that led up to your arrest. Make sure to note what you were doing, who you were with, and where you were. Describe what you ate, how much you had to drink, when you consumed the drinks, and if you took any type of medication. Then, document your interaction with the arresting officer. Take care to write down anything that you said as well as the officer’s response. If other people were with you, you should get their contact details and have them make a written account.

Recover Your Car

Recover your car and belongings from the impound location. If necessary, have a friend or relative drive your car home. Bring a camera with you to photograph any relevant items or containers that held alcoholic beverages. If possible, note how much liquid was left in the container.

Appeal Your Suspension

If your license has been suspended, contact the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as soon as possible. You only have 10 days to appeal the decision. Your attorney can also contact the DHSMV and arrange the hearing for you.

Avoid Trouble

It is very important for you to stay out of trouble and avoid problematic situations while your case is pending. Any new charges can hurt your case and make potential penalties more severe.

Contact a Jacksonville DUI Lawyer

Finally, find an attorney who has experience handling DUI cases. If you need a lawyer, contact Canan Law today. Call us at (904) 849-2266 to speak with a qualified Jacksonville DUI lawyer who is prepared to represent your case in Florida courts.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15